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Grille d'image simple #
Alignez plusieurs images à l'aide de ImageGrid

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
import numpy as np
im1 = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10))
im2 = im1.T
im3 = np.flipud(im1)
im4 = np.fliplr(im2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4., 4.))
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, # similar to subplot(111)
nrows_ncols=(2, 2), # creates 2x2 grid of axes
axes_pad=0.1, # pad between axes in inch.
for ax, im in zip(grid, [im1, im2, im3, im4]):
# Iterating over the grid returns the Axes.